Quick answers to common questions about Aura.
Enabling repricingHow to get Aura actively repricing your listings quickly.
How Does Aura Handle MAP Prices?Aura's MAP field is for reference only, and must be set as the Min price for Aura to follow.
What Price Does Aura Use While Repricing My Listings?
What's a Competition Type?A Competition Type defines the "who" that Aura reprices against.
How Can I Signup as an Affiliate for Aura?Here's how to join the Aura team as an affiliate / partner! 🚀
How Can I Download / Export My Data?Download a Pre-filled template from Uploads to export all listing data at once.
Why Am I Seeing Yellow Errors on My Listings?Seeing yellow? Don't worry, it's actually not an error at all.
How Does Aura Handle Strategy or Listing Changes?Aura immediately updates your price when a strategy setting, cost, or min/max price is updated using the Replay system.
What's a Manual Price and How Do I Use It?Suspend repricing activity and hold your price at a fixed value indefinitely.
Add Aura as a mobile app
What is Hyperdrive?Use Hyperdrive to submit price changes every 10 seconds on your most critical listings.
Repricing FBA vs MFN listingsAdd MFN shipping charges to the cost field for Aura to account for them.
When does Aura change my prices?Aura performs price changes differently based on the active setting and behavior.
How can I fix the “Missing Costs” notification?Quick checks to ensure all sales have costs recorded, to ensure accurate sales metrics
Jumping to your Amazon.com listingQuick access to each listings' Amazon ASIN page with these shortcuts.