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Aura on Auto-Pilot
Workflow Best PracticesOur ongoing best practices for creating effective and efficient Workflows
What Are Workflows?Putting your Aura account on auto-pilot
Setting up an Age of Inventory WorkflowAutomate switching assigned strategies based on Inventory Age
Automatically Assign Strategies and Toggle on Repricing for New ListingsCreating a Workflow to manage your new listings
How to Pause Your Listings at a Specific TimeUsing workflows to pause your listings and raise prices
Auto-set Strategies Based on Inventory AgeCreate a Workflow to automatically set strategies based on age of inventory
How Does the Toggle Repricing Action WorkAutomatically enable repricing on your listings
How Does the Pause Repricing Action WorkHow to "pause" repricing for a specific duration
How Do Filter Block Actions Work?How to filter through different listings to take specific action on each sub-set
How Does the Set Strategy Action WorkHave Aura automatically assign a strategy to your listings