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Our Core Three Strategies
Our Core Three Strategies

Be fully equipped to handle most listing scenarios with our recommended three strategy system

Finn Parker avatar
Written by Finn Parker
Updated over a week ago

Strategies can be thought of as the playbook Aura follows when it reprices. Strategies fall in one of two categories — AI (specifically Maven, our AI model), and rule-based (traditional).

Regardless of which strategy is assigned to a listing, it can only reprice between the minimum and maximum prices set on that specific SKU. Min/max prices can be set manually, automatically by Aura, or be manually-overridden.

We recommend three core strategies for sellers to start. These strategies will cover the majority of use cases, however there is no limit to the number of strategies you can create.

With Maven as one strategy, we also recommend a Buy Box Targeting and Liquidation strategies, each slightly more aggressive in nature than the last. In general, while users may choose to start with Maven (Maven limits permitted), escalating to Buy Box Targeting or Liquidation may be required with increased urgency to accelerate velocity.

Here’s how to configure each.

Maven - AI (Level 1)

Maven, our AI model, is a hands-off, dynamic strategy that finds the Optimal Price. The Optimal Price is a real-time measure of a listing's competition and behavior, aimed at balancing profitability with sales velocity. Built to be balanced in nature, Maven is an excellent choice as a starting or general-use strategy, on par with matching the Buy Box (with a rule-based strategy).

We advise using Maven on listings with the least amount of urgency, or those where profitability is just as much a priority as velocity. Many users will begin repricing a listing with Maven before switching to a more aggressive strategy later.

Creating a Maven strategy is the least complex of all strategies. Select Maven from the Add Strategy page, set a desired Min price calculation, confirm Suppressed Buy Box preferences, and save.

Buy Box Targeting - Rule-based (Level 2)

We recommend utilizing a rule-based Buy Box Targeting strategy as a “step up” from Maven, or for listings that may require a slightly more aggressive approach. While Maven isn’t built specifically to target the Buy Box, utilizing this rule-based strategy will deliver consistent behavior aimed at the Buy Box, if that is the desired result.

With Buy Box Targeting, Aura is focused on competing against whichever offer is coded as the Buy Box winner by Amazon at that point in time, regardless if FBA, MFN, or Amazon. Under the Pursuit section of the Strategy builder, the top setting (“How to price against the competition”) can be adjusted to match the Buy Box offer, price above it, or price below it. Unlike Maven, this setting is effectively the lever that defines how aggressive or cooperative this strategy will be.

Matching the Buy Box will deliver the best balance for profitability and velocity (on par with Maven’s level of aggressiveness), while pricing below will optimize for velocity, and pricing above for profitability. With a Buy Box Targeting strategy, we recommend pricing below the Buy Box slightly.

Liquidation - Rule-based (Level 3)

A Liquidation strategy is a must-have for all sellers, which is designed to be used at the end of a listing’s lifecycle. By nature, liquidation strategies are configured to be the most aggressive (emphasizing sales velocity over margin), while having low minimum prices set. A textbook Liquidation strategy has increased aggressiveness relative to a Buy Box Targeting, while also having minimum prices set to breakeven (0% ROI or Margin).

Having min prices set to breakeven doesn’t necessarily mean Aura will reprice there; it is instead giving Aura additional headroom to lower your prices as needed, if needed.

A Liquidation strategy can be created easily by duplicating an existing Buy Box Targeting strategy, and increasing the amount the strategy reprices beneath the Buy Box (“How to price against the competition”).

The greater the value entered here, while set to Price Below, the more aggressive the strategy will behave. Generally Liquidation strategies have the highest value set, focusing on sales velocity and being the most aggressive of the three strategies.

Best Practices

  • Treat each strategy as a "bucket" that listings are placed into based on your level of urgency or preference of velocity <> profitability. Each strategy falls somewhere between each goal.

  • As inventory ages, consider assigning listings to more aggressive strategies with time. By the end of a unit's lifecycle, the primary objective should purely be to sell through and reclaim capital.

  • In general, also as inventory ages, consider lowering your minimum prices (or setting sequentially lower auto-min/maxes) as you progress through strategies. Many sellers aim for highest ROIs in the beginning, and lower with time until liquidation, when ROIs can be set as low as 0% (breakeven).

  • If a listing isn't seeing the Buy Box share or sales that are preferred, feel free to re-assign that listing to a more aggressive strategy. Each listing should be treated case-by-case.

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