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Using the Uploads feature to make bulk changes
Using the Uploads feature to make bulk changes

Use the Upload feature to edit many listings at once via a CSV file

Finn Parker avatar
Written by Finn Parker
Updated over a week ago

Downloading an upload template

Begin by generating a template by clicking on "New" in the Uploads tab. You can choose a blank template or a template pre-filled with listing data.

Open the template in Google Sheets or Excel to view and edit.

Columns included in upload templates

*column names are case sensitive and must be in lower-case.

  • sku (Required)

    The SKU of your listing, as seen in Seller Central (Amazon) and Aura.

  • marketplace_id (Required)

    Your Aura Marketplace ID, available to copy in the Marketplaces tab.

    Example: be8nn4ce-532a-4d0c-9p80-5346176a123k

  • amazon_marketplace_id

    The Amazon marketplace ID for the listing.

  • current_quantity

    Your current quantity for this listing (including inventory in-bound, in-transfer, and in-stock).

  • cost (Editable)

    The cost set for the listing. This field is editable - it must be equal to or greater than zero.

  • min_price (Editable)

    The minimum price set for the listing. This field is editable - it must be greater than zero, and less than or equal to the maximum price.

    Note: This minimum price includes shipping.

  • max_price (Editable)

    The maximum price set for the listing. This field is editable - it must be greater than zero, and greater than or equal to the minimum price.

    Note: This maximum price includes shipping.

  • current_price

    The current item price, not including shipping.

  • current_shipping

    The current shipping shown to customers on

  • fulfillment_type

    The listing's fulfillment type.

    • "fba" = Fulfilled by Amazon

    • "mf" = Merchant Fulfilled

  • currency

    The marketplace currency hosting the listing. Available currencies include: USD, EUR, GBP, RMB, INR, JPY, CAD, MXN, etc.

  • map_price (Editable)

    The MAP (Minimum Advertised Price) for this listing. This field is for reference only and does not act as a minimum price for repricing.

  • repricing_enabled (Editable)

    Is repricing enabled for this listing?

    • "true" = repricing is on

    • "false" = repricing is off

    Note: A listing with repricing enabled still needs a min price and strategy to reprice.

  • strategy_id (Editable)

    The identifier of an Aura Strategy, available to copy in the Strategies tab.

    Example: a2829d09-ex12y-46d8-9cf6-example1893

  • asin

    The Amazon listing identifier (Amazon Standard Identification Number).

  • condition

    The condition and sub-condition of the listing, separated by an underscore.

    Examples: new_new, used_acceptable

  • featured

    Is your offer eligible to win the Buy Box?

    • "true" = eligible

    • "false" = ineligible

  • has_buy_box

    Is your offer winning the Buy Box?

    • "true" = you're in the Buy Box

    • "false" = you're out of the Buy Box

  • offer_position

    Your offer position within the top 20 offers (Amazon).

    Note: This number is zero-based, meaning it begins at 0 and ends at 19. A value of "0" indicates you're in the first offer position. A value of "19" indicates you're in the last, or twentieth, offer position. A value of "-1" indicates you are beyond the top 20 offers.

  • title

    The title of this listing in Seller Central.

  • category

    The category of this listing in Seller Central.

Formatting the file for upload

Delete all columns aside from the two reference columns and any you're editing. (Reference columns are marketplace_id and sku)

You can edit the same fields as those you can adjust in-app, like costs, Min/Max prices, strategy, enabling repricing, and notes. All other columns are for reference only.

Make sure:

  1. All column headers are lowercase

  2. There are no empty rows

  3. The file is free of commas and currency signs

  4. File is in CSV format

Export and upload the file to Aura

You can drag your file into the upload section or click 'Upload' and choose your file.

Click the 'Submit' button. Aura will process the feed in <5 minutes, depending on file size.

When complete, Aura will report the total rows processed and the upload status.

Possible statuses:

- Successful: The upload was a success!

- Canceled: Aura did not find any data to process.

- 'X' error(s): There were one or more problems with file data.

Troubleshooting Errors

Could not find..

Aura was not able to find a match for the strategy, SKU, or marketplace. It's likely that data in the column is incorrect.

  • Make sure: Your strategy and marketplace IDs match the gray text in Aura. You can copy and paste these directly from the Strategies and Marketplaces tabs.

  • Make sure: Your SKU isn't abbreviated in the file.

  • Note: Deactivated SKUs cannot be edited via uploads.

Must provide either ('sku’ and ‘marketplace_id’) or (’mksu’)

You're missing one of the two reference columns or the column header is incorrect.

  • Make sure: Both reference columns are present and headers are lowercase. They should appear as sku and marketplace_id.

Must provide a cost greater than or equal to 0

Your cost needs to be a non-negative number.

Must provide a max/min price greater than 0

Your minimum and maximum prices need to be positive.

Min must be less than max

Your maximum price is lower than your minimum price.

Make sure: There is a range between your min and max for Aura to reprice.

If Aura doesn't report an error but you've noticed nothing has changed, follow these tips:

  • Copy and paste headers

    • Use a template or copy and paste headers from the template—this is the best way to correct formatting. If the headers are incorrect, Aura will not recognize the data.

  • Do not use commas or currency signs

    • Formatting with commas or currency signs affect the way Aura is able to read the data. If your file contains currency formatting, Aura will not process the new values.

  • Use only "True" or "False" in the repricing_enabled column

    • Aura doesn't recognize casual language in the True/False columns. Entering 'Yes' or 'No' will not affect repricing.

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