The first step to repricing your listings is connecting Aura to Seller Central.
This connection allows all listings, listing data, sales metrics, and inventory to import. Once repricing is fully enabled, price changes also rely on this connection.
To add your marketplace, first head to the Marketplaces page. There, click "+ Add marketplace" in the upper right.
Select Amazon, and hit Continue.
You'll then select your region for your marketplace. Clicking Continue will open authentication for Seller Central.
Note: Marketplaces for US, Canada, and Mexico fall under North America.
Authorize Aura within the Seller Central pages you're automatically sent to.
Clicking Confirm will complete the marketplace connection. All listings, listing data, sales metrics, and inventory will begin to import.
You will need to repeat this process for each marketplace region you wish to connect.
Note: Depending on the size of the marketplace, this process may take up to several hours.